Saturday, October 11, 2008

Route Maps

Brain dumps:
- on bus, at bus stops/stations, web
- improve take away maps
- voice systems
- ceilings, floors
- cost = zones + current time + time limit
- London zones, like a dart board, zone boundaries announced
- most buses do not have a route map
- 99 Bline has a route map, like a subway map above rear doors
- route maps online or take away generally look like car driver street maps

- map design
- map locations/placement
- should they be more like subway maps or more like car driver maps? Or maybe there is a better way.

- consistently orient to the user's position, or give a sense of user's point of view
- give information about nearby points of interest
- districts can be helpful in organizing a city into various sections, aiding wayfinding in large, diverse areas with many destinations
- districts (to be helpful as spatial markers) need to be large enough and known to visitors/users (ie. known to local vernacular)

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